Lets forget the negatives.
p.e.n.g.u.i.n (Lee Shi Ying)

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Monday, May 29, 2006
@11:47 PM

倒数五月的最后第二天... 心情沉重得让人疲惫...

Merci poure, le triste

@11:30 PM

刚从狮城回来... 累。我深深感觉到我的双脚已经是不属于我的了。这么疯狂式的购物,大概已经很久没试过了吧! 可是,在这胜利的背后,我的 purse 却默默的哭泣着。就像我所说的,这趟狮城之旅回来,我将会正式宣布破产。
我买了一个我非常喜欢的手表和大包包。好有成就感哦! *高兴* 而且,除了大购物,我们还见了佩仪,Lynette 和 Abang。好可惜没机会和 CY 见到面。时间太紧凑了,只好下次在见咯!
回来之前,我们顺便还到了NTU 见识见识新加坡的大学。天啊! 感觉差好多哦! 别人的大学竟然有 Japanese food 捏!
写着写着... 我的眼皮已经支撑不下去了。明天再续。

Merci poure, le triste

Thursday, May 25, 2006
@1:45 AM

I was just about to strike my 5th hour of brain-rest and then there came his sms. Gosh~! I really felt like wanna throw my E398 into the dustbin at that very moment. I could only barely fell asleep at 5 o'clock in the morning the night before.. How could he do that to me?!
Went out to helped him out but i didn't really contribute much cause he didn't really know what to do also. So.. we went to TESCO and walked around. Bumped into some of his friends there and they're looking at me like 'eh hem'.. All in all, the moral behind the story is.. don't go out with male friend just being 2 of you especially those who have already got themselves occupied.
Home around 3 p.m. He was entertained by my mom. Wonder why my mom likes him so much larr.. Muahaha.. My sis actually thinks that he's better looking now.
One thing i found out today. He's still wearing the watch that i gave him. I'm not thinking too much about it but it makes me think of the other watch that i gave out. There's so much memories in each of it. I'm sure both watches found their very correct owners. I'm sure they were the right guy to fall for but just fell at the wrong time.. At least there're memories to keep..
SoOo.. until i the time decided to fall again.. I'm happy as I'm single now..

It's just another sleepless night...

Merci poure, le triste

Monday, May 22, 2006
@9:01 PM

今天早上停电了,害我热得满身大汗的起床,真是气死我了! 还好 notebook 有充电,所以我今早唯一的消遣就是上网了… ( 特别要感谢科技的发达和聪明的自己,让我在一个停电的早上有那么一点点的娱乐…) 虽然,有小虹陪我 MSN 聊天分散停电的注意力,可是马六甲的天气可不是普通的热捏~! 更况且我 ‘汗宝宝’ 的名誉可不是盖的捏,唯一可以形容我当时情况的,就只有‘汗流浃背’四各字了… 一边流汗,一边打字的感受真的好狼狈哦~!
不过,也还好因为停电,所以才会这么早上网… 也才因而会和好久没聊的老朋友们在网上碰到聊天… 这个 weekend 就会到新加坡去咯~! 到时候就可以疯狂购物一番,然后,回来后正式宣布破产… 嘻嘻~! 希望计划不会泡汤啦… 因为一天还没去到都还没算是定数嘛~! 本来不大赞成我去的妈妈昨天还突然兴奋了起来,吩咐我买这个买那个… Ah dhui… 头痛~!
Hmm… 刚刚在 MSN 遇到盈佳,也顺便和她聊了聊… 我这次真的惨透了啦~! 就知道她误会我喜欢 PS 了… 天啊 ~! 我这次跳下马六甲海峡也洗不清了啦~! 我真的不明白我到底做了些什么,会让大家酱子误会法… 真的很扯叻~! 说真的,虽然我平时很爱作弄盈佳,可是我真的不希望她误会我。毕竟,酱子的感觉很不好受。每一次看到她,我都很想安慰她哦! 她真的是一个很好的女孩, 她只是喜欢上了一个不喜欢她的人而已… 错不在她。我真的很能了解她的感受… 我想人都是一样的吧! 摆在眼前的已经成了一种习惯,总觉得一切理所当然… 大家都希望可以看远一些,觉得可以找到更好的,却没发现原来自己要找的,一直都在身边… 很无奈的是,我不能帮上些什么… 毕竟,这是两个人之间的事。希望她会找到她要的幸福啦~!
所以嘛,我想我真的看开了啦~! 就像佩仪所说的 single RoCkS yo~! 虽然,寂静的夜里会孤单寂寞… 虽然,浪漫的节日会一个人过… 虽然,stress 的时候会有想要谈恋爱的冲动… 虽然,有时候还是会羡慕别人的天长地久… 我想,还是认命了吧~! 我们这种天生就额头贴着 [孤独老人] 的标贴的人,有没有幸福的未来,都是靠自己来得比较实际一些… 嘻嘻~! 幸福这东西嘛… 真的是让人欢喜,让人忧… 让人欢笑,让泪流… *Sigh*
最近周先生忙着处理私事,真的没什么时间来和我下棋捏… 棋盘空了好久,只好凭空想像咯… 失眠失得这么潇洒的,恐怕就只有我了啦~! 在酱下去,我真的会因为睡眠不足而死掉捏… 不过,值得一提的是,我把我 E398 的 screen saver 换掉了… 在失眠的夜里,我踏出了我人生的一大步… 虽然,这一步对别人来说没什么,可是对我来说,却是我重拾我理智的一大步。“之所以会那么卑微,就因为我们把心寄托在别人身上… 之所以会那么脆弱,就因为我们给了他们那个伤害我们的权力… ”-Elin. 我就是在深深领悟这句话后,才踏出那一步的…
所以… 从此一再提醒自己,在爱别人之前,请爱自己多一点… 这不是自私,是自我保护。不是现实,是理智。 既然不能让周遭配合我们,就只能调适自己来适应环境… 当然,在适应的当儿,请不要迷失自己… 虽然,过程会很累,心情会很灰… 可是,我相信重拾自己后的心情,会胜过于一切一切… 我在我的 visual diary 里写下一句,[ I’m just a friend.. Not more than that.. It’s time to wake up..]
这天过后开始觉得,失眠背后的用意是为了让自己清醒。虽然也有可能是因为想太多而失眠,不过,至少这几天以来的失眠总算有点意义啦~! [蓝色大门] 又被我温习多一遍了… [Angles and Demons] 还在我努力当中… Yellowcard 的歌曲 update 完毕 ( 特别喜欢 [Hollywood Died] 这首歌…)… 而减肥计划则是彻底失败中… 嘻嘻~! 其实,真的真的好想瘦下来哦~! 看到大家都在改变,怎么自己却还是一样啊? 懊恼捏~! … Haih… 突然好想唱 [金包银] 叻…

Merci poure, le triste

Friday, May 19, 2006
@8:30 PM

Went to watch DaVinci Code with CH and Sotong this afternoon. The movie was ok but less interesting compared to the book. Poor CH that had to keep explaining to the Sotong Kia. Muahaha.. My eyes weren't really feeling well while watching the movie and because of that i couldn't really concentrate. It's a movie worth watching though. *Blink*
Continued watching [Prisan Break] at CH's house. Nice nice series although I was half asleep while watching it. Hehe.. Paiseh larr.. Told cha that my eyes weren't feeling well lo.. might due to the sleepness nights that've been haunting me recently. However, it's undeniable that my Micheal Scofield's macho-ness is extremely breath-taking man~! Please do catch it on 8TV on every Monday 10:30 p.m.
Oh yeah~! I brought back some novels from CH's house as my bed time story. One of the books is [Angels and Demons] by non-other than bestselling author of the DaVinci Code -- Dan Brown. The other one is Chu's [Blue Gate Crossing]. Although i read [Blue Gate Crossing] few times before, I really don't mind reading it all over again. Hehe..
That's all for today.. Forgot to mention that I'm in a very good mood today.. A bit sleepy though.. =P

Merci poure, le triste

Thursday, May 18, 2006
@2:01 PM

好不容易等到佩仪从狮城回来了,小虹从丁 Terengganu 回来了,阿猪和火星人从 UTAR 回来了,UPM 的我和雪鱼回来了… 真的真的好不容易,大家又聚在一起了…
虽然,每一次的聚餐都没有齐人,可是至少该碰面的都碰到面了,该三八的也三八得没完没了了… 嘻嘻! 最重要的是大家高兴就好啦! 这次的聚会算是至从新年那一次吃火锅后第一次再聚在一起吧! 虽然有着聊不完的话题,却发现话题都绕着圈子在转… 相同的烦恼,相同的感受,相同的心情,一切相同得让人害怕… 让人害怕的是发现原来我们都已经逐渐踏入人生的另一个阶段,一个我们不熟悉却只能继续走下去的人生阶段… 就算有着多么多的不适应或是遇到多么多的挫折,我们都只能走下去,因为无可否认的,我们都长大了… 天啊! 一直在想,其他人到底是怎么走过去的呢?
二十一岁后的天空,那么的让人胆怯却又那么的让人期待… 那种心情,就像是小时候刚开始学骑脚踏车的时候,总是希望爸爸可以放开手,让自己靠自己的能力与技术在空地上奔驰… 可是,在那同时,却害怕在爸爸松开手后,自己会因为失去平衡而摔跤… 好矛盾的我,好矛盾的心情… 爸爸说过:“我们可以给你的,是最最好的学问与生存的技巧… 接下来的路要怎么走,就靠你们自己了…”… 二十一岁后的天空,有着我们向往的自由,却也有着所有大人所面对的负担… 未来的路就要靠自己的力量去闯了… 大家就一起加油咯!
最近,我似乎每晚都有严重的失眠… 躺在床上,脑海里重复浮现一样的疑问,非一般思考后就能得到答案的疑问… 也不是旁人分析就可以为我揭开的谜底… 这样的失眠状况似乎慢慢地成为的一种习惯,习惯在睡前躺在床上发呆,想一想自己的幼稚,想一想自己的未来,想一想火星人所发表的[伟大计划]… 未来… 套一句老话说:[ I see no future and I don’t know whether my future sees me or not…]
[ Peter Pan syndrome ] 再一次的漫延… 潜伏在心里已久的它,又开始发作了… 虽然明知道挣扎后是改变不了什么的,却仍然希望可以为自己做些什么,让下一秒的自己活得没有遗憾… 我真的是好一个 Peter Pan 迷哦! 真的有些懊恼捏! 到底什么时候才要长大捏? 再酱下去真的不能了啦! Ah dhui… 懊恼-ing… *Sigh*
不过,还好这一路走来有姐妹们的陪伴… 也很感激一路上扶了我一把的恩人们 such as 阿顺和一直都很疼我的大佬 + 兄弟们… 还有非常疼爱我的爸爸妈妈… 爱你们哟~! 嘻嘻…
对了! 说到大佬,大佬终于决定要穿上医生袍当医生了! 我相信大佬将来会是一位很好很好的医生… 看到大佬可以实现自己的梦想,我真的替他非常高兴… 医生曾几何时也在我小时候的志愿表上出现过,可是现在对我来说却是一件很遥远的事了… 大佬,要加油哦! I know you can do it~!

Merci poure, le triste

Sunday, May 14, 2006
@10:37 PM

HaPpY MoTheR's DaY yOo~! I LoVe yOu MoM... Hehe...

Merci poure, le triste

Saturday, May 13, 2006
@12:51 PM

It hurts to see you cry
But it hurts even more to see you struggle
We hope to see you happy
But what can we do to make you happy?
This is the time we feel that the power of sisters is so tiny
This is the time we can only stand by your side and be supportive
So.. Be strong my girl..
We know you can go thru it
Once you go thru it
It'll be a part of your life's history and history it'll be..

有人说,凄美的爱情是最为浪漫的.. 我终于明白,那只是为了掩饰凄美背后的种种心酸..

Merci poure, le triste

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
@8:49 PM

To another friend...




The sentence noted with a * was taken from a message that he sent me before. He might not remember but I totally agree that 坎坷路后会是幸福...

I haven't been posting for the past few days cause I have too much to write yet found no point to start. Talked to a friend on the phone for almost 4 hours til 5 o' clock in the morning. She made me think of something that I didn't really put in consideration before. It's a topic that worth considering about it.. And I'm considering about it..

Talked to another friend on the phone just now. (I've been talking on phone quite often recently..) I was expecting some sad story from her but it turned out to be a quite entertaining one. Hehehe.. Glad that she's now quite okay now. Sometimes I'm really envy of her that she can actually talk about it so openly and solve it like an adult. How I wish I could..? *Sigh*

Read KM blog yesterday and I was like huiYoooOo~! I guess little KM is really growing up. *Blink* Life couldn't be any better as long as we're doing what we like.. I might be old fashion and all that but please do count me in if you all go for clubbing ya~! Although my parents are going to kill me for that.. Hehehe..

9th of May.. The month of May doesn't really turn out to be what I've been hoping.. Tomorrow will be a better day.. I truly believe in that.

Merci poure, le triste

Sunday, May 07, 2006
@1:37 AM

I watched [Kiss] AGAIN.. This would be be the 5th time. Every tiny little scence in this drama series makes me think of him.. It hurts but it helps to keep me awake..

Merci poure, le triste

Saturday, May 06, 2006
@1:53 AM

Went to have our long-time 'mengidam' lut-lut with the same old gang but with extra one new member.. Yes.. Adam kia it is. Hope that we didn't really scare him and cause him any night mares after this. Hehe..
Looking back to when CH first found her miracle, it was like two years ago. And now is Chu's turn that she found her Adam. It's happy to see new members joining our gang one by one and I hope members that are joining us can feel the happiness in us too.. It might make me sound old and aunty.. but.. welcome to our world I must say.. A place where we share our laughter and tears.. A place where no one could really understand unless you come in and feel it yourselves..
5th day of May.. A day to remember.. A day of Mayday.. Hehe.. *Blink*

Merci poure, le triste

Thursday, May 04, 2006
@12:33 AM

I'm so So addicted to [ The Bleach ]. Thanks to CH and now I'm so stuck with it. *Blink*

Merci poure, le triste

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
@12:01 AM

五月的第二天... 还没找到工作的我,在家里做了一半天的帮佣... 用自己的力量,把本来乱七八糟的家弄得比较能看些,真的真的非常的有成就感... 可是,大概是太久没用这么“马拉松式” 的收拾法了,感觉好累哦! 我想,应该有燃烧到不少脂肪吧! 嘻嘻! 失败已久的瘦身计划又再次被我和 CH 搬出来重新努力改进与加以实践,希望这一次会成功啦! 虽然好像每一次都这么说了还是失败,可是至少有试过咯... *Blink*
才放假了两天,我就快闷慌了... 接下来的两个月不知道该怎么过... CH 建议我换 blog skin, 可是... 我好懒哦! 因为一旦开始了,就真的没完没了... 老妈又要开始粹粹念了... 所以啊,想了想,要是真的无所事事,就重拾我的画笔好了... 把埋藏起来八百年了的艺术细胞再次挖出来,应该不会太难吧! 就请大家拭目以待吧! 嘻嘻!

Merci poure, le triste

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
@2:49 AM

自从爱上了五月天,就特别期待五月的到来... 一踏入这一个月,整个人就好像充满新的期待... 期待摆脱他的影子后的日子,是否可以活得轻松自在一些... PS 对我说,要我好好的过这个假期... 我说,我会的... 我真的会的...
上述所说的,是我所期待的... 直到接二连三的倒霉降临... 首先,五月的第一天,我就这样用睡的,睡掉了一整个下午... ( 因为,我很累。不要问我为什么这么累,因为生存着本来就是一件累人的事... ) 然后,在用浑身的不爽,到全马来西亚最最失败的巴士总站和外劳们挤巴士... 非常累。不明白为何一个巴士站也可以设计得那么失败,真的真的无法了解他们的明白,到底是谁的点子,设计出这么让人 ' 震撼 ' 的作品... 又是谁让这么一个烂设计,盖成了今天的烂车站... 头痛。
总觉得,车站都应该会是像小说或电影里的那样,弥漫这一种让人感伤的浪漫... 可是在这里,我只感受到让人讨厌的污浊空气和让人不安的扒手... 在这车站,我只感受到在这大城市里,让人心酸的现实的丑陋与繁华背后的孤单... 然而,我们就这样被迫生活在这城市里,而这车站,就是把我们通往家的那一个途径...
在这五月的第一天,我终于回到家了... 回家的感觉真的只能用爽来形容。那么爽得让人快乐,爽得让人安定,更是爽得让人无忧无虑... 哈哈哈... 回家的感觉真好。离开他的感觉... 虽然会有思念,却更有重生的力量... 一直告诉自己,这个假期绝对是个好的开始... 绝对会是...
回到家第一件是就是用最短的时间换好衣服,再用最快的速度躺在风水位上看了一部戏... [ 小孩不笨 2 ]... 只能说这部戏不是普通的赞,是 '死马' 赞捏! 这是一部把感动与现实,泪水于笑声集聚在一起的电影。在娱乐之余,不知不觉中学到了些什么... 又领悟到了些什么... 赞! 用这么一级棒的电影来作为我五月的第一天的句号,应该还算不错的开始吧! 虽然,之前过了的整大半天真的是糟透了... 至少,画下的句点是完美的... 相信明天会更好...

Merci poure, le triste